How Does It Work?

I read into one’s energy field. This is like plugging in a OBD (On Board Diagnostic) tool into your car to look for error codes. Once the information is gathered, I then call-in other energies that resonate with that person’s energy field (example: S.T.A.R.S., Holosets, Gods, Saints, Angels, Dragons, etc.) to create change in the system. Below are some examples of what can occur:

  • Correct physical issues

  • Remove emotional traumas

  • Cut cords/connections

  • Clear past life issues (it has been observed that some chronic issues stem from unresolved past life traumas)

  • Open psychic abilities

    • Healing

    • Clairaudience

    • Clairvoyance

    • And many more

  • Clear energy channels/blocks

  • Introduce someone to their guides and gifts

  • Ease ascension symptoms

  • Help one on their personal path to

    • Enlightenment

    • Ascension