Ascension & Enlightenment

Over the last few years, these two topics have become more near and dear to my heart. They are both topics that in the past I had no interest in, but as I followed my path, there was no avoiding or going around them.

Ascension - Ascension is the journey from our own darkness into our own light. Our karma is our darkness and the absence of karma is our light. As our karma decreases, our vibration rises, our consciousness rises, and our light is manifested.

Enlightenment - To truly see the universe for what it is.

Both processes have their ups and downs. I see physical symptoms and body issues with Ascension. As more energy is turned on and running through the body, traumas still stored in the body can become painful until they are cleared. On the fun side, with the increase of energy, one’s powers (healing, clairvoyance, etc.) turn-on and/or become stronger.

People going through enlightenment tend to have a harder time emotionally upon entering the stream. This is the first step where one is shown the true nature of the universe and in general feels like the rug is pulled out from under us and leaves one crushed, confused, and without a foundation and asking if one has wasted their lives and done everything wrong.

If you are going through and/or have questions about either of these topics, I am here to help.

Resources for Ascension

I enjoy and resonate with most things listed on the website Ascension with the Ascended Masters. It’s a great place to start if the topic is new for you and has a good list of some of the things one will physically feel during the process. Below I have placed links to their webpages on Ascension, The Fifth Initiation, The Sixth Initiation, and The Seventh Initiation.

Below I have placed a link to another website that I liked, discussing its concept of the 12 stages of ascension.