James is a Denver-based
Quantum healer, focusing on healing the healers.

He is currently available for private sessions.

My Background


I’m a medical intuitive, quantum shaman, and master healer. My origin story started with a background in physics and engineering. Years ago while working as an engineer I came across and read a copy of The Physics of Miracles: Tapping into the Field of Consciousness Potential by Dr. Richard Bartlett, Melissa Joy Jonsson. This book and its concepts are what drew me into the world of infinite possibility. My early experiences are what led me to a lifelong passion in pursuing all things supernatural, mystical, magical beliefs, practices, and phenomena.


B.S., Mechanical Engineering

1996 – 2001

Professional Engineer

2013 - Present


Authorized Certified Teacher of Holo-Synchronous Energetic Technology Systems (Holo-Sets) & Master Energy Dynamics (M.E.D.)

2019 - Present


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke


“Energy healing is the application of non-physical energy directed toward healing. In my opinion it is a variant of the same energy studied in thousands of psychokinesis (PK) experiments. These studies taken together show PK is real, with results that would occur at only a billion to one by chance.

While we cannot claim energy healing is a substitute for traditional medicine, energy healing often accelerates the benefit of whatever we are doing to heal under traditional care. Energy healing sometimes can produce results when all else has failed, and often produce results with less time, trauma, and expense. Illness can be discouraging, inconvenient or even quality-of-life destroying and life threatening at worst. But we can often apply energy to powerfully improve outcome.”

— Joseph Gallenberger, Ph.D.

I’d love to help you transform your life.